Brian Brookes, BHIB’s Risk Manager, offers his take on recent fraudulent claims: –
“Over £1m of fraudulent claims against local authorities and the NHS have been defeated in the last couple of weeks.
The first case involves a cyclist who claimed £175,000 against Cardiff Council for injuries sustained when he fell off his cycle. He alleged that he fell off his cycle due to a pothole however the GPS signal from a passer-by, who had called the emergency services, determined that the claimant had fell 1000 yards away from the alleged pot-hole defect. The fraudulent claimant was sentenced to three years six months imprisonment.
The second case involves a claimant who alleged that he sustained damage to his vehicle and injuries as a result of a school bus colliding with his parked car. The injuries meant that the claimant couldn’t pursue his hobby of fishing however his social media site clearly showed his joy at catching an eight pound carp. Additionally, neither the school bus driver nor the school employee sitting at the front of the bus, could recall any collision whatsoever. The claim was defeated in court and the judge gave a verdict of fundamental dishonesty meaning that the claimant will be responsible for all the costs incurred which was conservatively put at £30,000.
Finally, a part time DJ from Birmingham claimed £837,000 from the NHS Trust in relation to a finger injury. Video surveillance showed that he was perfectly able to drive (his day time job was as a courier driver). He was also continuing to perform under the name of ‘SunnyKMS’ as a DJ and regularly performed in music videos showing no disability whatsoever. The judge found the claimant guilty of 14 of the fraud allegations and sentenced the claimant to three months imprisonment.”
Brian offers a summary: “These cases show that insurers will challenge and investigate those cases that they consider to be fraudulent and furthermore will consider legal action against those instigating fraudulent cases. The courts are also showing their willingness to punish those found guilty of attempting to defraud the public purse.”
If you would like to discuss these recent events in more detail or have any queries on Risk Management and mitigation, Brian can be contacted on [email protected], alternatively complete the form below and someone will be in touch.