To celebrate #VillageHallsWeek, we’ve put together some interesting statistics about village halls!
- There are around 10,000 village halls in operation in England
- Village halls have a combined total asset value of £3bn
- A total of 80,000 volunteers help keep village halls in operation up and down the country
- On average volunteers donate 18.5 hours per week to their village hall
- Village halls host a combined 90,000 ‘life events’ every year – birthday celebrations, christenings, weddings, funerals etc.
- Over 1,000 community businesses are located in village halls, including Post Offices, coffee bars, shops, libraries and even cinemas
- Almost 25% of halls were built before World War I, while an estimated 600 were built to commemorate The Great War
- The age of a village hall committee member can range from 18 to 98